What is Meet The Pods Company?
Meet The Pods is a company founded by family driven entrepreneur Alison, with the sole intention of creating a fun-loving company that offer an all-inclusive environment for all.
What are The Pods?
The Pods are a collective of 8 very different and diverse characters, with their own quirks and decidedly individual personality traits. Collectively they celebrate each other’s strengths and together through humour and teamwork they address all of life’s ups, downs and triumphs.
Who creates the artwork?
With the guidance of a specific brief from Alison, lead artist Patrick, managed to bring her vison for The Pods to life across 8 very different and diverse characters. Consumers engage with these characters daily through the content posted on The Pods social channels via Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
How many characters are there?
There are currently 8 characters within The Pods family: Snappy Pod, Muscle Pod, Robo Pod, Eye Pod, Scaredy Pod, Bunny Pod, Grumpy Pod and Spy Pod.
Do you have a TV show?
Not yet, watch this space! We are creating loads of content for social media and YouTube and have some great plans in place for the future.
Where can I buy Pods product?
Pod merchandise will shortly be available in our Pod shop. To talk to The Pods about your own ideas for merchandise or licensing opportunities please get in touch with podstuff@thepods.co.uk.
Do you have toys available?
Our ultimate mission as a company is to produce a range of products and accessories which contain multiple elements for inclusive play and Pod toys are currently being worked on. We welcome ideas and interest from collaborators so please get in touch by emailing podstuff@thepods.co.uk.
Where can I find out more?
You can go and check out the social media channels for daily updates - follow the links on the bottom of this page.
For kids under 13 we are working with the UK’s leading interactive content platform for kids, PopJam. Check us out by searching for ThePods on your Popjam app for daily news and activities.
I’m an illustrator - can I get involved
We are always looking to hear from people who love what we do so please email Alison@thepods.co.uk.
I’m a blogger - can I get involved?
We are always looking to engage with bloggers and ultimately spread awareness of our important work. If you are interest to collaborate with us, please email Alison@thepods.co.uk.
Can you buy The Pods in the shops?
Not just yet, but keep an eye on The Pods social media for updates. If you are a retailer interested to work with us, then please get in touch!